What Makes Invisalign So Effective.
Invisalign braces have gained a lot of popularity over the past decade, mostly because of the fact that they allow people to straighten their teeth with “invisible” treatment. The aligners used to move the teeth are made of thin, clear acrylic material. Most people can’t even tell that you’re wearing Invisalign, even if you’re a few inches away. What once took metal brackets and wires, Invisalign made into a clear treatment. This opened the door for a large number of adults who wanted straighter teeth but didn’t want to have to wear conventional braces in the process. Many of those adults never had access to orthodontic treatment before, or didn’t know it was an option for them.
Fast forward to 2014, and Invisalign is now one of the leading brands of braces available in all of dentistry. The effectiveness and ease of care for the invisible aligners means that patients can straighten their teeth in less time, with fewer appointments. Invisalign patients at Masella Family Dental never have to have adjustments, they just see one of our dentists for a quick check and then take their next few sets of aligners home with them. The plan of treatment is so predictable, patients change their aligners out at home on their own.
Taking care of your teeth is very easy when you wear Invisalign braces. We recommend that our patients wear their aligners for at least 20 hours a day, removing them only during meals or for oral hygiene care. Since there are no brackets or wires to clean around, you can brush and floss as normal, then brush out the aligners with tap water before placing them back into your mouth. The absence of wires also makes the aligners very comfortable to wear, causing little to no tissue irritation. There are no dietary restrictions, either!
Come into Masella Family Dental to see some examples of our before and after Invisalign treatment. After a quick consult, you can find out if Invisalign is right for you, too! Most patients complete their treatment in 12-24 months, depending on the severity of their needs. Invisible, comfortable braces are what you can expect from Invisalign; what are you waiting for?